This was such an awesome book. I don’t read this part of the
YA Genre often but this totally changed my views. I cannot wait to read more. I
loved the entire book. There were some parts that I thought Why is that in there? I think that was
because there was so much action that some of the parts felt dry. It was like
there wasn’t as much action in the middle like there was at the beginning and
near the end. But let me just say: Great Book! I am so glad I read it. I wasn’t
very optimistic about reading it mostly because I tend to stay closer to the
romance section of YA (ie Jen Calontia and Sarah Dessen etc.)
Summarize the book without giving away the ending. A girl
who always thought of herself as average finds herself falling for a dark and dangerous
guy with more secrets beyond her wildest imagination.
What did you think of the main character? Nora was so funny
at times yet so dense at others. I would never listen to my best friend after
she led me astray so many times.
Which character could you relate to best? Jules
Why? I think everyone plots revenge in their own ways… his
was just more proactive.
Were there any other especially interesting characters? Vee
and Eliot
From whose point of view is the story told? Nora
Were the characters and their problems believable? Uh, no.
How did the main character change during the novel? She went
out of her comfort zone. She learned to trust.
What was the book's central question, and how was it
answered? Why was Patch so mysterious?
Because his past was dark and unspeakable.
Did you learn something new from the book? No, not really.
Was the book different from what you expected? Yes. I
expected something more dark and sinister when I flipped through the pages at
the book store.
Was location important to the story? Yes, I enjoyed the fact
that it was set in a place with unreliable weather. It was that much more
interesting to read.
Was the time period important to the story? Yes. It went
from the past (1565) to the present.
Share a quote or two from the book. “I’ve got quite a collection going of an eZine columnist who believes
there’s truth in eating organic, who writes poetry in secret, and who shudders
at the thought of having to choose between Stanford, Yale, and… what’s that big
one with the H?” – Patch on Nora
Share a favorite scene from the book. When she first meets him.
What did you like most about the book? That Vee and her made
up. I couldn’t think about going through life without my best friend.
What did you like least? That her best friend didn’t believe
her… even if she was wrong.
Did you like the way the book ended? Yes and I cannot wait
for the sequel.
What do you think will be your lasting impression of this
book? People can change but there past never does.
What did you think of the cover? It was dark, I almost
didn’t buy it because of the look of it.
Would you recommend this book? 100% Yes
How would you rate it? **** (Four out of Five Stars – it was
flat at times.)
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