Summarize the book without giving away the ending. Jack May
and Philip travel on another life changing journey. Jack find himself along
with May and Philip.
What did you think of the main character? It switched POVs
unlike the last book. I would say that May’s sarcasm and quit whit really make
the book while Jack’s one liners made me laugh. Overall they were two really
cute and fun characters that I would love to know in real life.
Which character could you relate to best? Jack.
Why? Sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything right too.
Were there any other especially interesting characters? King
Wolf is still my favorite villain.
From whose point of view is the story told? Jack and May’s.
Were the characters and their problems believable? No, they
are fairytales. :)
How did the main character change during the novel? They
figured out who they were and what they were destined to be.
What was the book's central question, and how was it
answered? Who is May and where is she
Did you learn something new from the book? You can always
find yourself with the help of people you love.
Was the book different from what you expected? Yes.
Was location important to the story? Without a castle, an
angry pirate, and a sea filled with merman would their even be a fairytale?
Was the time period important to the story? No
What alternative title would you choose for this book? I
Share a favorite scene from the book. When the wolf king was sent to capture the
three kids. He had an army full of goblins to catch who he deemed “Children.”
What did you like most about the book? There was always an
upside, even when you thought there was no way the characters would get out of
the predicament they were in.
What did you like least? The way everyone kept putting Jack
Did you like the way the book ended? No, it made me cry.
What do you think will be your lasting impression of this
book? Friends are always supportive but you can only ever depend on family.
What did you think of the cover? I didn’t like that it didn’t
match the first edition of the first book. They reprinted the first book but
now I have to buy that one as well.
Would you recommend this book? Yes.
How would you rate it? ***(Three out of four stars- I really
hated the way it ended)
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