Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My 1,000 Word Challenge - Several Days

I know I’m several days late but I’m here. We had a great Fourth of July. We spent the day leisurely, playing on the computer, playing games, scrapbooking, joking around, and of course writing. J It was a really fun day even though my mom is sick with pneumonia. I hope you had a great day also. J
July 3, 2011
I wrote 1,000 words and started writing another poem. I finished chapter four of my editing process, and started a plan for another short story. I already have the cover I just have to write the story. J
July 4, 2011
I didn’t write my complete word count. I got called to play a board game and didn’t go back and finish. It’s a first in my word count challenge. J I usually feel a drive to write, but not yesterday.
July 5, 2011
I wrote two thousand words this morning and started the outline for my short story.
We only have four more days until the end of the challenge! Thank you for following along.

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