It’s been awhile since my last post, huh? I feel like every time I start to write one it doesn’t sound right to my ears, so I delete and say “I’ll do it another time.” Well now is another time! I am putting my foot down and publishing this post! Okay! So this is my second book review. I know there are tons of book reviews about this sequel but I cannot rein myself in. I have to write this. You know there are certain things that remind you of a book? Like a song that while you read it you thought “that would be perfect on the soundtrack.” Or while eating a taco you think of your favorite scene where the bear invaded the escape prisoner’s campsite. This is one of those books that keep coming back whenever I plug in my I-Pod. I love this book. Maureen Johnson finally made the sequel to Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes titled The Last Little Blue Envelope. I’m telling you, I cannot get enough of this story. It has an amazing twist that you never would have thought of as the reader. I would love to live in her mind for just one day. There are some HUGE turn of events that makes you keep turning the pages well after the light are out. I personally used my flashlight so much I needed new batteries by the middle of the book. I could never explain the awesomeness of this book, but I’m certainly going to try!
Title: The Last Little Blue Envelope
Author: Maureen Johnson
Summarize the book without giving away the ending. I can’t it is too juicy!
What did you think of the main character? I think the story is mostly about her finding herself, in the world she lives in there aren’t a lot of chances, but when life gives you lemons….
Which character could you relate to best. Keith.
Why? Because he didn’t think he would get a second chance at love.
Were there any other especially interesting characters? I would have to say Oliver, once I got over my intense dislike of him.
From whose point of view is the story told? 18 year old Ginny Blackstone.
Were the characters and their problems believable? Oh yes. Ginny’s internal quest made it way more believable than if she wouldn’t have cared and given up on Keith.
How did the main character change during the novel? She learned that it wasn’t about her love for him, it was what was best for her.
What was the book's central question, and how was it answered? For most I think it would have been about love (which is what I was talking about before.) But I think it is about her and her future. The main part of the book is about her relationship with her friend but I think if you look deeper than what meets the eye – past the words – you will see all she wanted was a happy ending.
Did you learn something new from the book? Sometimes you have to let go of the ones you love.
Was the book different from what you expected? YES! I expected Keith to be waiting for her. Like prince charming.
Was location important to the story? Oh of course! If she didn’t travel to Europe she never would have had a life changing experience.
Was the time period important to the story? I don’t have a straight answer for that one. I think that yes in some ways, no in others. It was good for transportation, but eh, I wouldn’t have mattered if it was the 80’s.
What alternative title would you choose for this book? I wouldn’t have. I think this is the perfect title for the sequel!
Share a quote or two from the book. 1. “It's always easier to say good-bye when you know it's just a prelude to hello.” 2. “We're going to die," Keith said, the moment he was gone. "This man is a serial killer. We're going to die, and he's going to bury us in his garden and build a shed on us.”
Share a favorite scene from the book. When she tells her uncle that she is staying in Europe that made me ecstatic!
What did you like most about the book? The fact that she found what she was looking for, that missing piece.
What did you like least? That Keith was a jerk.
Did you like the way the book ended? I absolutely adored the ending.
What do you think will be your lasting impression of this book? Just the fact that it spoke to me. A girl going away from what she knows and finishing what she started, just makes you want to read it again and again!
What did you think of the cover? I like that it resembled the first book’s cover.
Would you recommend this book? I would recommend this book to any teen, or adult. This is a book that should be in everybody’s personal library!
How would you rate it? **** Four Stars!
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