This was such a fun read. I didn’t want to put it down!
Between May’s (Princess) giving away her sarcasm to all the twist and turns
weaved throughout the plot it was a highly enjoyable read. I loved the Prince
and Jack’s witty banter throughout the book and the ending was totally
I cannot say enough about this book, I truly cannot. James
Riley has made a Debut Novel that I will remember for eternity and always have
on my book shelf. His sense of humor kept me laughing non-stop throughout the
entire book. Everyone needs to read this book. It is truly for all ages. My mom
plans on reading it along with my pastor. I’m loaning it to anyone who will
take it. Totally awesome!
Summarize the book without giving away the ending. A
fairytale unlike any other, such fun. The humor was sharp and used in all the right
places while the places that the characters experienced issue after issue it
was solved with grace and laughter.
What did you think of the main character? Jack has some embarrassment
issues. I have never heard of a guy blushing so much. I loved it. I definitely
think he is going to be one of my favorite male characters of all time.
Which character could you relate to best? The Prince.
Why? I think everyone tries to prove themselves at one point
of their lives. I don’t think it was just about avenging his father’s death as
much as it was about him finding out whom he really was and what his purpose is
in life (Other than taking over the kingdom.)
Were there any other especially interesting characters? The
Wicked Queen of course!
From whose point of view is the story told? It’s told in third
person, but it follows Jack.
Were the characters and their problems believable? Hardly.
My nana is definitely not the Wicked Queen and I can honestly say if I called
her that she would take my silver spoon away.
How did the main character change during the novel? Jack wasn’t
able to fulfill his destiny in his Grandfather’s opinion until a Princess from
Punk appeared out of the sky.
What was the book's central question, and how was it
answered? Would they find May’s
Grandmother? Yes, they did. Just like all good fairytales they reached their
destination and James riley managed to spin a little bit of reality into the
mix when it didn’t go exactly as planned.
Did you learn something new from the book? That not
everything is always what it appears to be.
Was the book different from what you expected? Yes, I didn’t
expect there to be an opening for a sequel but I am anxiously awaiting it’s
Was location important to the story? Yes, like all good
fairytales you couldn’t have a Queen without a Castle.
Was the time period important to the story? No, not especially.
What alternative title would you choose for this book? There
isn’t one. It was very creative.
Share a quote or two from the book.
Jack – “It’s probably
used to listening to the witch. Maybe you remind it of her.”
May – “You want me to
tell it to drop you?”
Jack – “I take it all
back. You’re wonderful and beautiful and amazing.”
May – “That’s what I thought.”
Share a favorite scene from the book. When he kisses her at the beginning of the
book and she wakes up.
What did you like most about the book? The fact that the
story is going to continue – I cannot wait for the sequel!
What did you like least? That either Jack or the Prince is going
to betray her.
Did you like the way the book ended? No, it ended. I wanted
it to go on forever.
What do you think will be your lasting impression of this
book? That you have to keep going even when you think you’re out of the game
and there is no getting out of the hole you’re in.
What did you think of the cover? Love it. It caught my eye in
the store. I probably wouldn’t have picked it up without Jack’s feet dangling
from the beanstalk. :)
Would you recommend this book? Yes, this is going to
everyone this Christmas.
How would you rate it? ***** (Five Stars)
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