Hosted by: The Broke and the Bookish
10) I didn’t start reading until I watched Twilight on DVD.
My sister got it on her Easter Basket but claims that it is not true. (Yeah
right. You might not like it now – but you did.) I ended up putting it down
three times before I actually finished it – henceforth rereading the first half
of the book three times. I also hate to admit this as a Twihard. Because I honestly
love it. I have read it four times. (Not including my first three pathetic
attempts.) I was never an avid reader in my tween years. I just didn’t think it
was worth it. I remember picking up my first Nancy Drew book when I was nine and
rushing inside waving it around in the air saying: “It’s just like a movie but
only with words!” Yeah, call me dim but I never knew that. :D
9) I have a confession. I beat, bruise, and batter my books.
Yep. Every book on my bookshelf looks like it has been through World War III. There
is not a single book on my shelf in good condition up until last year. Fingers
crossed my mom doesn’t call the police. We take physical violence very
seriously in Texas.
8) I cannot get into the Paranormal/Romance genre. Aside
from Twilight I am not allowed. My mother is very protective. Maybe it’s from
all those years of letting me chew the led paint off of my crib bars, but maybe
she feels guilty. Then again, maybe she just doesn’t want me to be cultural
rounded. (Not saying vampires and demons would do that… but this is just an
7) Another Twilight confession. I made a deal with myself. I
would read Twilight so I could get to the FUN series Harry Potter. That’s
probably why I ended up reading The Twilight Saga over the course of a month
and Harry Potter over four. Yeah, lesson learned: If you think your going to like
one series over another it’s Murphy’s cruel Law that your likely going to fall
head over heels for the other. (Not to say I don’t want a free trip to Disney
world to go to Harry Potter World. Walt? Where is my phone call?)
6) I used to skip over words in second grade when I was
reading to myself in class just to get the jest of the story so I could do
other things like play outside. Again, I wasn’t an avid reader.
5) I only write through journals halfway before I put them
up and move to a more interesting cover, or style. (But usually cover) I just
cannot seem to get through an entire journal but that’s okay because my nana can’t
either. (Does that mean there is no hope for my gazzilion of notebooks?)
4) I am not ashamed to admit I am a stalker. I stalk Jen
Calonita. I have a slight addiction. Maybe it’s unhealthy but when I drift to
my computer I just find myself on her sites ie.
Official Website Yahoo! Group
Like I said… just a slight addiction.
3) When I start a book and cant put it down I abandon every
chore my mother throws at me. Every single one. Dishes have gone unwashed along
with floors not being swept all because one single author decided to write an irresistible
book that I could literally not put down. I blame the author. How dare He/She?
2) I have a list of authors that I have to have on my book
shelves. Everyone of Jen Calonita’s books is obviously a must, although Dessen
and Colasanti’s are also highly needed. (like oxygen.)
1) If you have ever read The Hunger Games you will know why I
feel like the biggest cheater EVER. I started reading the Hunger games right
after I finished re-reading the Twilight Saga… again. I haven’t picked up
Twilight since then but have started to pick up The Hunger Games again. Does
that make me the bad guy or Collins?
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