Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ten Things We Did (And Probably Shouldn't Have)

I awaited this novel for months and it did not disappoint. It took me soooo long to read it because things just kept getting in the way and I kept picking up other novels but this one I had to read in the month of September. It was an absolute must. So many plot twists and turns I never wanted to put it down. I read it in about four hours. It was such an easy read! I never wanted it to end! Sarah Mlynowski is a genius.

Summarize the book without giving away the ending. It’s about three friends who get into problem after problem while living unsupervised – without parental guidance. It starts off when the main character is sixteen and follows her through her junior year of high school.

What did you think of the main character? Definitely one of my favorite characters of all times. April has a spark about her.

Which character could you relate to best?  Vi

Why? She’s confident but even the ones with the utmost confidence sometimes feel left on the outside.

Were there any other especially interesting characters? Hudson kept me on my toes.

From whose point of view is the story told? April’s

Were the characters and their problems believable? Yes. I think any teenager who could get away with living parent free would jump at the chance.

How did the main character change during the novel? She learned that she needed (In her words) be more gutsy. She didn’t need to depend on others. She wasn’t on her own. She had a life that she had made for herself.

What was the book's central question, and how was it answered?  Could she make it on her own and be happy? It was answered with a big fat YES!

Did you learn something new from the book? Sarah Mlynowski never disappoints. (That’s not what you meant – liars get what’s coming to them. The truth always comes out. I think we all learn that the hard way.)

Was the book different from what you expected? Yes. I didn’t expect Marissa to be the fugitive and I definitely thought that Corinne was sneaking around with Noah.

Was location important to the story? Yes.

Was the time period important to the story? No, not really. People would more likely let their kids go off on their own as teenagers in the 19th Century. Now, not so much.

What alternative title would you choose for this book? I really am going to delete this question. How many times have we gone over this?

Share a quote or two from the book. Vi was a genius. A moody, self-assured, evil genius. – April

Share a favorite scene from the book.  When Hudson finally made his feelings clear.

What did you like most about the book? That her and Hudson got together.

What did you like least? That it took the entire book for her and Hudson to get together.

Did you like the way the book ended? Yes, very funny. I want a sequel.

What do you think will be your lasting impression of this book? Family is always there and even if you disperse they are still your family.

What did you think of the cover? I liked it. I would’ve been unoriginal and thought a checklist. (Go Sarah!)

Would you recommend this book? Yes. I think everyone should read it. Although preteens should be advised that there is some suggestive content.

How would you rate it? ***** (Five Out Of Five Stars)


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